Support of several screens with different calibration, support of HiDPI (High Dots Per Inch) monitors, full-screen mode.

Support of Modality LUTs, VOI LUTs, and Presentation LUTs (even non-linear).Advanced series synchronization options.Layouts for comparing series or studies and displaying cross-lines.Image manipulation (pan, zoom, windowing, presets, rotation, flip, scroll, crosshair, filtering…).Viewer for common image formats (TIFF, BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, RAS, HDR, and PNM).Display large range of DICOM files (including multi-frame, enhanced, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, MIME Encapsulation, SR, PR, KOS, AU, RT and ECG).It is for these reasons that we do not list OsiriX Lite in our recommendations. Pixemo also produce a free demo version called ‘OsiriX Lite’, however there are major limitations placed on this including pop-ups asking you to upgrade to the paid version, performance restrictions, image viewing restrictions and inability to edit the meta-data attached to DICOM images – for example you can’t easily re-order series within a study, which may be important if you are preparing cases for teaching or examinations. There is a paid version of Horos called ‘OsiriX MD’, which is produced by Pixmeo, however it is expensive so not ideal for basic teaching purposes, although has great functionality. This programme is only available on Apple computers, hence why so many radiologists own MacBooks. This is a free open source version of the software used by the Royal College of Radiologists for the viva part of the Final FRCR 2B exam, so obviously it makes sense to use it for teaching as well. A popular software for radiologists working in the UK is currently a programme called ‘ Horos‘.