I’ve had great success with Canon and Epson flatbed scanners. I have found that some scanners work better than others, however.

If you’ve seen me demonstrate Finale you know I am excited about scanning. So, in that spirit, and with those caveats – Let’s talk about gear. I find it easy to put myself in the mindset of many of the folks in my audiences: non-technical, but still curious about ways to make Finale work better, faster, and easier. While my work also requires I bring an LCD projector everywhere I go, and run two different operating systems on my computer, at heart I am not really a “gear head,” and I think this helps. So I need a keyboard but also have to keep things compact: These are common, practical considerations that you might share. Those two factors define, in large part, what gear I bring with me when I do Finale clinics. Most of us just want to get our work done as quickly and easily as possible. They want gear that works – simple as that – and they’ll forgive me if I recommend brand X – because it works fine for me – even if I haven’t tried every other brand as well. Some people might think it bad business to recommended actual products, but I don’t. Do you have a budget in mind? Do you have some keyboard proficiency? Is space at a minimum? Are you interested in scanning? Are you a Mac or a Windows person? And on and on. Your individual needs should drive the decision of what hardware you should purchase for use with Finale. Almost every time I do a clinic I am asked what “gear” to get.